Student Engagement with Collaborative Documents

noun-Collaborative-Learning-27467Collaborative pedagogy has grown out of the realm of Rhetoric and Composition to become something much more substantial than just "group work". Collaborative pedagogy is built upon the premise that students engage with the act of critical thinking when they are also engaging with one another. While remote learning has forced a greater distance between our students, we can use the technology at hand to span that distance and create a better learning experience.

Collaborative activities need not be big and complex, but they do need to more structured than simple discussions. Participants in this hands-on workshop will learn about the benefits of collaborative learning, the needs for effective collaborative activities, and some of the free tools that can be used to make their remote and mixed-mode classes engaging, effective, and collaborative. In particular, participants will learn to create collaborative activities that incorporate Jamboard, Google Slides, Padlet, and

  • Led by: Dr. Jason S. Todd (CAT+FD, ENGL)
  • Date: Wednesday, February 10, 2021
  • Time: Noon - 12:50 PM
  • Location: 97106375257

Tags: collaboration, jamboard, gsuite, engagement
Format: hands-on
Event ID: 02068

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