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Upcoming Events

Web Authoring Seminars & Workshops

Web Authoring Seminars

The Center will continue to offer Web authoring seminars to faculty in the Fall semester, in the ongoing series entitled How the Web Works. The series provides a foundation for understanding basic Web publishing concepts. Topics include planning, imaging, animation, HTML, style sheets, JavaScript, and more.

Web Authoring Workshops

The Center is pleased to announce a number of new workshops which focus on particular software tools for Web authoring: HomeSite, BBEdit, Fireworks and Flash. These workshops will be practical rather than theoretical, and participants will receive a copy of the software thanks to the Office of Technology Administration. A grasp of the fundamental concepts of Web authoring is a prerequisite for attending these workshops.

Writing a Comprehensive Plan for Professional Development

  • Saturday, September 9, 2000
  • Library Room 501
  • 9 AM (continental breakfast at 8:30) - 1:30 PM (lunch will be provided)

In this workshop, Dr. Sonia Gonsalves will present clear steps for the preparation of a comprehensive plan to build a balanced professional portfolio. The workshop will cover the areas of teaching, scholarship, and professional and community service. Participants will have the opportunity to evaluate possible inclusions to their practice in the scholarship of teaching, use of innovative pedagogy and technology-assisted teaching, and community service. The workshop will be useful to new faculty, faculty who are in the process of preparing for a review, faculty who mentor new faculty, and faculty and administrators who advise and evaluate faculty performance. Participants will work together in interest-based groups to hone specific plans for immediate implementation.

Sonia V. Gonsalves is the Director of the Institute for the Study of College Teaching at The Richard Stockton College (RSC) of New Jersey and an Associate Professor of Psychology. In this capacity she arranges workshops and seminars for new tenure-track faculty in order to acquaint them with a diversity of pedagogical approaches. Sonia serves on the college's steering committee as chair of the Academic Policy Committee and is a co-founder of the Academy for Interested and Motivated Students (AIMS)--a weekend school for grade and high school students in Atlantic County, New Jersey. Sonia was co -Principal Investigator of two AmeriCorps and one National Science Foundation grant at RSC. In the past year she has made presentations at the American Association for Higher Education's national conference and at the Lilly Atlantic Conference on College Teaching. This summer, she led a team of nine faculty and administrators at the AAHE Summer Academy in Snowbird, Utah. Current research topics include the role of prior knowledge in learning, naïve theories and learning, and student errors as diagnostic feedback.

To register for this workshop, call Arriana at ext. 7512 or send e-mail to

Course Portfolio Workshop

  • Saturday, September 23, 2000
  • 8:30 AM to 12 PM (continental breakfast and refreshments will be served)

This hands-on workshop provides an introduction to course portfolios. Led by Dr. David Lanoue, Professor of English, and a panel of faculty who have created course portfolios in the past, the workshop explores the questions:

  • What is a course portfolio?
  • How does it relate to the scholarship of teaching?
  • Who is its audience?
  • Is a course portfolio formative (used to improve teaching) or summative (submitted for evaluation) or both?
  • What is my philosophy of teaching and how does this inform my approach to a particular course?
  • What learning goals have I set for students?
  • How can I assess whether or not I am accomplishing these goals?
  • What role do peers and students play in the process?
  • How might a course portfolio be focused?
  • What is the value of course portfolios in multi-section courses with standardized content?
  • What successes and frustrations have colleagues encountered in past course portfolio projects?

Each participant should bring a syllabus of a current course that he or she is teaching--or one that he or she would like to reflect on. Also, bring paper and pen, as this workshop will provide the opportunity to create the initial components of a course portfolio.

To register for this workshop, send a message to or call Arriana at ext. 7512.

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