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Mellon Proposal Summary

Xavier University of Louisiana respectfully requests $350,000 from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to support the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Initiatives of its Center for the Advancement of Teaching.  These initiatives will be implemented over a 27-month period that begins September 1, 2001 and ends December 31, 2003.  Specific faculty development and technology initiatives that would be supported by this grant are:

  1. Thirty-five faculty technology projects, including faculty use of such information technologies as Web-based course management and conferencing systems, course websites, videoconferencing, JSTOR and other on-line databases, and discipline-specific courseware such as simulations, CD-ROMs, etc.
  2. Hands-on technology training workshops, and symposia and brown-bag discussions about the pedagogical and professional impact of information technology on teaching, learning, and scholarship
  3. The Rich Media Projects Initiative, an initiative that will guide 12 faculty members interested in rich media projects through three distinct phases of planning, implementation, and evaluation.

In addition, the grant will enable Xavier University to explore the feasibility and possible structure of a Technology Training Center and a Program of Student Certification in Information Technology.  Grant funds will support a 7-month research and planning phase that will begin January 1, 2002 and end July 31, 2002.

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