Mellon Technology Initiatives
Rich Media Projects: Proposal Guidelines
See also: Mellon Technology Initiatives RFP Overview
Planning is the key to success with any ambitious project. The first step for an intensive multimedia project is the formulation of a design document -- a comprehensive plan that explains what the project is and how it will be realized. Often, writing a design document is the most challenging and critical phase of the entire project. Examples of design documents funded through the Center are available on the Center's website.
Therefore, this initiative consists of three distinct phases:
- Phase I: Writing a Design Document (planning)
- Phase II: Implementation (producing the media planned in Phase I.)
- Phase III: Evaluation (testing the product of Phase II and revising accordingly.)
Successful applicants will receive strong support from the Center (in the form of release time and consultation) for the important planning phase of their project. As a part of the planning process, participants will identify additional funding sources if necessary, as the Center can make no guarantee of monetary support for project implementation and evaluation beyond a modest stipend.
Completed design documents will be posted on the Center's website and may be submitted as a Phase II proposal.
Faculty members should submit a one-page letter of interest to the Center by January 31st 2002. Please send a copy to your department chair as well. The letter should describe the rich media product you wish to create. An excerpt from the letter may be used to announce awardees and to describe their projects. Indicate whether you wish to begin your project in the summer or fall of 2002. Note that support is only available in the form of stipends for the summer and release time for the fall. Include a signed statement of approval from your department chair if you are seeking release time.
Note: Groups of faculty who wish to work together should contact the Center for special consideration.
Members of the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Roundtable will review applications on a competitive basis. The review is not a blind review. Applicants will be notified of the results in early March.
If you have any questions, contact Bart Everson at ext. 7512 or send an e-mail.