Two Technology Initiatives

The Center for the Advancement of Teaching is privileged to announce a third request for proposals for Rich Media and Technology Infusion projects. These two initiatives are supported by a generous grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Both initiatives involve technology, yet they are distinct; the basic differences are outlined below, and more detail may be found on the following pages.

All Xavier faculty are invited to submit proposals for projects that will begin in Summer or Fall 2003. Follow the links for detailed proposal guidelines.

  Technology Infusion Projects Rich Media Projects
General Description Supports faculty use of existing technology and media to enhance teaching and student learning. Supports faculty creation of rich media products.
Examples Incorporation of e-mail or WebBoard discussion into an existing course.

Developing a simple course website.

Integration of course with Blackboard or other course management system.

Virtual office hours weekly via bulletin board chat.

Videoconferencing to enhance classroom experience.

Integration of electronic presentations (such as PowerPoint slides) into a course.

Use of commercially available CD-ROMs or discipline-specific courseware for instructional purposes.

Adoption of spreadsheet or gradebook programs for keeping class records.

Course requirement of student-authored website projects.

Classroom research project focusing on effectiveness of technology in teaching and learning.

Integration of JSTOR or other electronic journals or databases into a course.
Rich media products are websites and CD-ROMs that incorporate multimedia elements.

Rich media products:

Are electronic in whole or in part.

Combine different types of media (e.g., text, images, video, audio, animation, databases).

Allow for some degree of interactivity on the part of the user.

Result from more ambitious projects than a faculty member might normally take on.
Structure Two distinct phases: implementation and evaluation. Three distinct phases: writing a design document, implementation and evaluation.
Time Frame These projects last two semesters (or one semester and one summer). These projects last at least three semesters (or two semesters and one summer), often longer.
Level of Funding Two semesters of $500 stipends. In a few cases, a semester of release time may be granted. One semester of release time (or a $2,000 summer stipend) followed by two semesters of $500 stipends.
Administered by Gayna Stevens-Credle, Instructional Design Specialist Bart Everson, Multimedia Artist
January 17, 2003
  Technology Infusion Projects
proposal guidelines
Rich Media Projects
proposal guidelines

A part of the October 2002 RFP Multipack.