Two Technology Initiatives

The Center for the Advancement of Teaching is pleased to announce two technology-intensive requests for proposals. Please use the table below to compare the two RFPs.

  Technology Infusion Projects Technology Enchanced Curriculum
General Description Supports faculty use of existing technology and media to enhance teaching and student learning with a classroom research project to focus on the technology's use effect on teaching and learning Supports the development (or revision) of curricula that incorporate technology in appropriate and effective ways
Structure Phase I: Planning and development

Phase II: Implementation and evaluation
Phase I: Planning

Phase II: Training and production

Phase III: Curriculum implementation

Phase IV: Reflection
Time Frame These projects last two semesters (or one semester and one summer) These projects last three semesters plus an intensive summer work period
Start date(s) Summer or Fall 2004 Spring 2004
Level of Funding Two semesters of $500 stipends. In a few cases, a semester of release time in the 2nd semester may be granted. Three semesters of $400 stipends plus a summer stipend of $2,000. Each team will have a software and hardware budget.
Administered by Gayna Stevens-Credle, Ph.D., Instructional Design Specialist,
Center for the Advancement of Teaching
Proposal Deadline November 10, 2003
  Technology Infusion Projects
proposal guidelines
Technology-Enchance Curriculum
proposal guidelines

A part of the October 2003 RFP Multipack.