Social Reading
Goodreads is the largest social network for readers in the world. Learn how to use Goodreads to keep track of books you've read and books you wish to read in this hands-on workshop.
Goodreads might also be used as an organizing tool for book clubs, including those related to QEP activities. Give it a try, and have lunch on us.
- Led by: Bart Everson
- Date: Thursday, April 22, 2010
- Time: 12:15 - 2:30 PM
- Location: CAT Teaching Lab (Library 532A)
- Sponsor: CAT
- More info:
To register: LUNCH WILL BE SERVED. RSVP to Olivia Crum via e-mail or call x.7512
Tags: technology, social media, QEP, reading, lunch
Format: hands-on
Event ID: 01052