
Please note: You're viewing events tagged with "Lunch" from the CAT+FD event archive (1999-2021).

Teams and Team Assignments
Formulas for Success, Recipes for Disaster
Led by Dr. Janet Gillespie, Business Department
Friday, October 26, 2001 / 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Two-Day Nonviolence Core Training
An intensive, experiential introduction to the steps and principles of Kingian Nonviolence
Led by Eric White, Sylvia Spears Peters
Saturday, January 19, 2002 / 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

What We've Learned After One Semester at Xavier
An informal discussion of our first-semester experiences
Led by Drs. Jonathan Rotondo-McCord (History) and Todd Stanislav (Biology)
Tuesday, January 29, 2002 / 12:15 - 1:00 PM

Faculty Mentoring at Xavier
Strengthening and Enriching New Efforts at Mentoring
Led by Dr. Shubha Kale-Ireland (Biology)
Monday, February 18, 2002 / Noon - 1:00 PM

Innovations in Teaching
An informal discussion of faculty members' innovative approaches to teaching and student learning
Led by Drs. Beverly Mason (Sociology) and Bill Whalen (Biology)
Friday, February 22, 2002 / Noon - 1:00 PM

Faculty Mentoring at Xavier
Strengthening and Enriching New Efforts at Mentoring
Led by Dr. Shubha Kale-Ireland (Biology Department)
Monday, March 18, 2002 / Noon - 1:00 PM

No Child Left Behind: Bush's Education Policy
Are you ready for the fallout?
Wednesday, April 17, 2002 / Noon - 1:00 PM

RFP Help Session
Get help writing your proposal for one of the Center's current initiatives
Monday, April 29, 2002 / Noon - 1:00 PM

Prior Knowledge Assessment
Prior knowledge assessment is the logical first step in cognitive learning. If we believe that learners construct their knowledge based on what they already know, then as teachers we should begin with an assessment of students' prior knowledge.
Led by Dr. Sonia Gonsalves, Associate Professor of Psychology, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
Saturday, September 21, 2002 / 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM

What We've Learned After One Semester at Xavier
An informal discussion of our first-semester experiences
Led by Drs. Jonathan Rotondo-McCord (History) and Todd Stanislav (Biology)
Monday, January 13, 2003 / Noon - 1:00 PM

Luncheon with Mr. Leonard Pitts
A great opportunity to meet columnist and author Mr. Leonard Pitts
Thursday, January 30, 2003 / 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Meeting the Challenge
An overview of characteristics of learning disabilities, relevant laws, teaching strategies, accommodations, and modifications will be provided.
Led by Drs. Deborah Bordelon, Theresa Rheams, and Rosalind Hale (Education)
Saturday, February 1, 2003 / 9:00 AM - noon

Integrating Courses in Business Education
This workshop will present a case method of instruction for integrating a set of business courses.
Led by Drs. Amaresh Das and Anil Kukreja, Ms. Elizabeth Broussard, and Mr. Brian Jones (Business Department)
Thursday, February 13, 2003 / 12:15 - 1:00 PM

Flight or Fight?
This forum will attempt to answer the question: What motivates Xavier students to succeed academically?
Led by Drs. Pamela Waldron-Moore and Dominique Gendrin, Ms. Amanda Brown, and Ms. Sharvon Pipkins (Departments of Political Science and Communications)
Wednesday, February 26, 2003 / Noon - 1:00 PM

What We've Learned After One Semester at Xavier
An opportunity to share, reflect, question, and plan.
Led by Dr.s David Lanoue (English) and Todd Stanislav (Biology)
Thursday, January 15, 2004 / 12:15 - 1:15 PM

What We've Learned After One Semester at Xavier
An opportunity to share, reflect, question, and plan.
Led by Dr.s David Lanoue (English) and Todd Stanislav (Biology)
Thursday, January 13, 2005 / 12:15 - 1:05 PM

The Road Ahead
A luncheon talk that focuses on new challenges, the dominant movements for reform, and the scholarship of teaching.
Led by Dr. Lendol Calder, Augustana College; Carnegie Scholar, the Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Friday, September 23, 2005 / Noon - 1:30 PM

Using In-Class Group Work to Promote Active Learning
Come learn (and share) some effective group work strategies to increase student engagement and active learning in your classes.
Led by Dr. Wendy Gaudin (History), and Dr. Elizabeth Yost Hammer (CAT, Psychology)
Thursday, September 27, 2007 / 12:15 - 1:05 PM

Strategies to Increase Active Learning in Large Classes
Teaching a large class presents unique challenges. Explore the use of classroom assessment techniques to increase active learning in large classes.
Led by Dr. Elizabeth Yost Hammer (CAT, Psychology)
Friday, September 28, 2007 / 1:00 - 01:00 AM

Getting Your Students Published
This informational session will introduce faculty to XULAneXUS' revised publication and editorial process.
Led by Dr. Ross Louis (Communications); Dr. Leslie Richardson (English/CAT); Dr. Elliott Hammer (Psychology)
Thursday, November 1, 2007 / 12:15 - 1:05 PM

Teaching with Smart Board and Smart Sympodium
This workshop will explain what an interactive whiteboard is and will showcase how Xavier faculty use it in the classroom.
Led by Dr. Tom Wiese (Pharmacy), Ms. Janice Florent (CAT)
Thursday, January 17, 2008 / 12:15 - 1:05 PM

Smart Board 101
This workshop will get you started with the basics of using a Smart Board / Smart Sympodium.
Led by Ms. Janice Florent (CAT)
Friday, January 25, 2008 / Noon - 12:50 PM

Smart Board 102
This workshop will cover some advanced features of using a Smart Board / Smart Sympodium. This workshop is the second in the Smart Board series.
Led by Ms. Janice Florent (CAT)
Wednesday, February 13, 2008 / Noon - 12:50 PM

Infusing a Global Perspective in Our Courses
Discuss the importance of global citizenship for our students; Learn what Xavier is already doing in this area; Share ways that you cover these issues in your courses
Led by Pamela Waldron-Moore (Political Science), Elizabeth Yost Hammer (CAT/Psychology)
Thursday, February 14, 2008 / 12:15 - 1:05 PM

Jumpstarting Your Pedagogical Research to Optimize Teaching & Learning
What is optimal teaching?
Led by Regan A. R. Gurung, Ph. D. [University of Wisconsin Green Bay] and Beth M. Schwartz, Ph.D. [Randolph College]
Thursday, February 21, 2008 / 12:15 - 1:05 PM

Smart Board 103
This workshop will cover some advanced features of using a Smart Board / Smart Sympodium. This workshop is the third in the Smart Board series.
Led by Ms. Janice Florent (CAT)
Wednesday, March 5, 2008 / Noon - 12:50 PM

Undergraduate Scholarship as an Engaging Teaching Tool: Spotlight on Festival of Scholars and XULAneXUS
Discover how mentoring student research can improve your students' learning. Learn the why and how to participate inFestival of Scholars. Get to know the XULAneXUS submission and editorial guidelines
Led by Dr. Gary Donaldson (History/CUR), Dr. Ross Louis (Cummunications/CUR)
Thursday, March 6, 2008 / 12:15 - 1:05 PM

Successful Proposal Writing Workshop
Proposal Writing
Led by Dr. Kathleen Morgan (Chemistry/CUR)
Thursday, April 10, 2008 / 12:15 - 1:05 PM

Internationalizing Higher Education Institutions
What does a commitment to global citizenship look like in a campus context?
Led by Dr. Yolanda Moses, Associate Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity, and Excellence, Professor of Anthropology, University of California, Riverside
Friday, May 9, 2008 / 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM

New Features in Blackboard
Attend this workshop to learn about the new features of Blackboard version 8.0.
Led by Janice Florent (CAT)
Thursday, August 28, 2008 / 12:15 - 1:00 PM

New Features in SMART Board
Attend this workshop to learn about the new tools and features of Smart Board version 10 .
Led by Janice Florent (CAT)
Thursday, September 18, 2008 / 12:15 - 1:00 PM

Getting Started with Service-Learning
This workshop is designed to help faculty members who are considering service-learning in their courses for the first time.
Led by Dr. Elizabeth Hammer (CAT), Dr. Ross Louis (Communications/CAT), Ms. Hazel Parker (CSLS), Ms. Typhanie Jasper-Butler (CSLS), Ms. Nedra Alcorn (Dean of Students), Dr. Pamela Waldron-Moore (Political Science)
Thursday, September 25, 2008 / 12:15 PM - 01:05 AM

Using Classroom Assessment Techniques to Enhance Learning
Based on the work of Angelo and Cross, this workshop will examine the value of assessing student performance throughout the learning process.
Led by Dr. Elizabeth Yost Hammer (CAT, Psychology)
Thursday, October 2, 2008 / 12:15 - 1:05 PM

Untangling the Social Web
Social Network Services Demystified
Led by Bart Everson
Thursday, October 30, 2008 / 12:15 - 1:05 PM

Faculty Communities of Teaching Scholars FaCTS Proposal Writing
Those interested in FaCTS are invited to bring their ideas and draft proposals to this informal workshop
Led by Elizabeth Yost Hammer (CAT/Psychology), Elizabeth Smith Rousselle (CAT/Languages) and Pamela Waldron-Moore (Political Science)
Thursday, November 6, 2008 / 12:15 - 1:05 PM

New Features in Blackboard version 8
Attend this workshop to learn about the new features of Blackboard version 8.0.
Led by Janice Florent (CAT)
Thursday, January 15, 2009 / 12:15 - 1:00 PM

Problems and Possibilities:
We invite faculty from all disciplines to attend this workshop on undergraduate research so that participants can share their ideas about best practices and methodologies that work.
Led by Nadia M. Lahutsky Ph.D. [Texas Christian University] and Mark A. Gstohl Ph.D. [Xavier University]
Thursday, February 12, 2009 / 12:15 - 1:05 PM

Resources Old, Resources New, Resources Borrowed, XU Library and You
This workshop will highlight the resources and services available to Xavier faculty.
Led by Gennice King and Paula Singleton (Library)
Thursday, February 19, 2009 / 12:15 - 1:05 PM

Utilizing Oral History in the Classroom
This workshop will discuss ways in which instructors can utilize oral history not only to enhance student's interest and understanding of class material but to also enhance their critical thinking and writing skills.
Led by Dr. Steve Salm (History), Dr. Wendy Gaudin (History), and Dr. Ross Louis (CAT/CUR/Communications)
Thursday, March 12, 2009 / 12:15 - 1:05 PM

Increasing Productivity in Writing and Publishing
Leran tips from colleagues about ways to maintain your productivity.
Led by Dr. Gary Donladson (History) and Dr. Kathleen Morgan (Chemistry)
Thursday, September 24, 2009 / 12:15 - 1:05 PM

Service-Learning Showcase
discover how to make your project meaningful
Led by Dr. Mark Gstohl, Service-Learning Faculty in Residence
Thursday, October 22, 2009 / 12:15 - 1:05 PM

Global Immediacy
Using Video Telephony to Bring Distant Guests into Your Classroom
Led by Bart Everson
Thursday, November 19, 2009 / 12:15 - 2:30 PM

QEP: Definitions
In this first QEP workshop we will identify and dicsuss the operational definitions related to reading activities and procedures.
Led by Dr. Glenda Hembree (Education), Dr. Maryam Foroozesh (Chemistry), and Ms. Kenya Campbell (Office of Academic Enhancement)
Thursday, January 21, 2010 / 12:15 - 1:05 PM

Social Bookmarking
Using Delicious
Led by Bart Everson
Thursday, February 4, 2010 / 12:15 - 2:30 PM

Web Logs and Scholarship
How Blogs Are Changing the Nature of Academic Discourse
Led by Bart Everson, CAT
Thursday, March 18, 2010 / 12:15 - 1:05 PM

Social Reading
Using Goodreads
Led by Bart Everson
Thursday, April 22, 2010 / 12:15 - 2:30 PM

Exams as a Learning Tool
Attend this session to learn how to use your exams as a learning tool for students.
Led by Lisa Schulte-Gipson (Psychology); Terry Watt (Chemistry); Elizabeth Yost Hammer (CAT/Psychology)
Thursday, November 29, 2012 / 12:15 - 1:05 PM

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