Student Conduct in the Online Environment

Participation Outcomes

During this interactive webinar, you will:

1. Understand the concerns involved with distance learning programs and online courses.

2. Develop clear student conduct policies for managing students in an online environment.

3. Understand how to better respond to cases originating from distance learning and online courses, including but not limited to cases involving threats to others, Title IX, academic integrity, and the use of types of social media to violate policy.

4. Develop a system for soliciting reports of possible violations from the campus community.

5. Learn strategies for effectively working with other campus entities in the handling of potential safety concerns that pose a threat to the community.

  • Led by: Karen Nichols
  • Date: Wednesday, April 16, 2014
  • Time: 1:00 - 2:30 PM
  • Location: Mellon Seminar Room
  • Sponsor: Dean Kukreja, CAS/ CAT

Note: If you cannot attend, a recording of the webinar will be available for your viewing at a later date

To register:

Tags: online, student conduct, policies
Format: presentation
Event ID: 01268

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