Teaching XCOR: 1 Year Later

While X-Core, Xavier's new Core Curriculum, has been around for more than a year, the newest classes being taught on campus, those with the XCOR prefix, are just over one year old. Around this time last year, XCOR faculty met to talk about the challenges of teaching these new classes. One year later, while assessment of student learning is on-going, we can start talking about our unique experiences teaching these classes in order to make them better as we prepare to teach those classes or new XCOR classes next year.

This will be an open discussion during which faculty who have taught any XCOR class (1011, 1012, 3010, 3020) can discuss what worked and what didn't work in that class.

* Faculty who are currently or will again teach these classes will walk away with ideas of how to improve those classes.

* Faculty who have never taught an XCOR class are encouraged to attend to learn more about the classes and to brainstorm ideas for future XCOR classes.

  • Led by: Faculty Participants
  • Date: Wednesday, March 11, 2020
  • Time: Noon - 12:50 PM
  • Location: Mellon Seminar Room - LRC 532B
  • Sponsor: CAT+FD

Tags: xcor, x-core
Format: discussion
Event ID: 01989

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