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Grant Writing


In late August 2001, Xavier, through its Center for the Advancement of Teaching, will resubmit a proposal to The Bush and The William and Flora Hewlett foundations requesting their support our faculty development program.  If you're reading this before the end of August 2001, please know that the proposal is still, as some might say, under construction.  If, after reading the summary of the proposal, you have suggestions or comments, please do not hesitate in contacting us via e-mail at

Thank you for taking the time to read the summary of this proposal.


In August we submitted a proposal to the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation requesting the Foundation's support of the Center's Teaching, Learning, and Technology Initiatives program.  You can read a summary of the proposal here.  If you'd like to plow through all 32 pages of the proposal, we certainly would be happy to make it available to you.  Just give a shout.  Otherwise, please read the short proposal summary.  We hope to hear whether the proposal is funded sometime in the fall semester, at which point we'll post the full proposal on the Center's website.

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