Teaching and Learning with Web Course Management Systems
This list of websites was generated, initially, for the faculty members involved in the case study. Our hope was that it would help them develop a deeper understanding of issues, problems, solutions, and so forth that are associated with teaching with technology.
- Regarding On-Line Discussion
- Regarding Assessment
- Regarding Course Structure
- Regarding Fair Use & Copyright Info
- General
- Tools & Resources
31 Listings; Updated Fall 2000
This site contains documents in the Portable Document Format (PDF), which you can download and print for your reading convenience. There are a number of viewers which you may use to display PDFs. We recommend the free Acrobat Reader by Adobe.
Regarding On-line Discussion
Guest Lecturer: Concrete Steps for On-line Discussion by Karen Peters
Directions for threaded discussions.
The Asynchronous Spectrum by Murray Goldberg
Discussion on the experiencing asynchonous communication.
Expanding Class Discussion Beyond the Classroom Walls by Susan Powers and Karen Dutt
The authors describe the experiences and lessons learned when they created an online discussion for pre-service students enrolled in an elementary education course. The authors also describe their goals for the online discussion and factors that affected the learning environment, and give examples of the discussions.
A Framework for Designing Questions for Online Learning by Muilenburg and Berge
To quote from the abstract, "This article describes a theoretical framework for designing questions for starting online discussion and follow-up questions to maintain the discussion. This framework is placed within a broader context of discussion within a constructivist, online environment. Numerous examples of discussion questions which were gathered from experienced online instructors are presented with the goal of preparing students and teachers to participate effectively in online discussions."
The Whys and Hows of Online Discussion by Knowlton, Knowlton, and Davis [No longer on-line]
Syllabus magazine, June 2000, Vol. 13, No. 10
This is a very readable and informative article; we recommend this highly. The authors provide a rationale for using online discussions. They also provide tips on how to design discussions for success, facilitate discussions for maximum learning, and evaluate discussions. Copies of the article are available in the Center for the Advancement of Teaching.
Regarding Assessment
Deliberations: Assessment
A series of url's as additional resources on assessment and teaching from Deliberations - a website for a lively and continuous process of debate on learning and teaching in higher education
The ThinkerTools II Project
The ThinkerTools II Project is developing a performance assessment model that will enhance the teaching and learning of scientific inquiry, while helping students to develop a knowledge of the physics of force and motion.
Evaluation of Three Educational Online Delivery Approaches [PDF, 1024 Kb] by Edwards Clark and Janie Harden 1997
Provides example variables of student perceptions of educational media formats.
Regarding Course Structure
Challenges and Considerations When Conducting an Online Course [Microsoft Word, 38 Kb] by Amy Sheng Chieh and Yahya Mat Som, 1999
Teaching Online: A Professional Development Model [PDF, 462 Kb] by Trey McCallie and LeAnn McKinzie
Explains a faculty training model for 'development and conversion of course materials to be delivered on the World Wide Web'
Differences between the Online Course Information and the Classroom Syllabus and How to Bridge the Gap by Lee Christopher , Naropa University
A CITE paper that provides helpful information on rethinking your syllabus.
The Role of the Online Instructor/facilitator by Dr. Zane Berge
Dr. Berge presents an overview of the roles and functions of the online instructor by categorizing them into four areas: pedagogical, social, managerial, and technical. The article provides useful, albeit brief, discussions of many important considerations for online teaching and learning.
Cite Conference papers
Links to papers from the cite conference held March 22-24,2000.
The Virtual Autopsy2
Tools, Templates & Training by Department of Educational Technology, at San Diego State
In spring and summer 1997, this website was developed for faculty at CSU; the content has been maintained since then and made available to the world. The information and links here are "designed to provide you with some 'best practices' for online teaching and learning, along with some tools and templates to implement those strategies." The content is divided into five areas: Strategies and tactics for on-line teaching and learning Document preparation for on-line courses On-line student learning activities Growing an on-line learning community Management of on-line course resources.
The Online Report
Definitions and summaries of pedagogical techniques.
Regarding Fair Use & Copyright Info
Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia by Ed.Multimedia fair Use Development Committee (1996)
Defines rights, limitations and fair use.
CONFU: Conference on Fair Use by Association of Research Libraries (1997)
Results from the 1996 Consortium of College and University Media Centers conference on Fair Use guidelines.
Copyright and Fair Use in the Digital Age: Q&A with Peter Lyman by author
Written by EDUCOM review staff. The article lists and explains issues associated with fair Use and Intellectual property and Copyrights. Vol.30 No.1, Feb. 1995
Royalties, Fair Use & Copyright in the Electronic Age (Or why we could call this article Forrest Gump and not get in trouble.) by EDUCOM, Vol. 30 No.6, 1995
A transcript of a discussion with Secretary of Commerce Robald Brown(deceased,1995,who was also Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks) and Bruce A. Lehman, Chair, Working Group on Intellectual Property Rights.
Online Pedagogy Connected Education Portal
"A Web site about the pedagogy, technology, and practice of distance education can be found at http://jac.sbs.ohio-state.edu/cable/pedagogy/. The site is well organized, easy to navigate and packed with information on research, philosophies, development and design, teaching, and assessment." (Syllabus: News, Resources, & Trends for December 20, 1999)
Web Based Learning Resource Library by Hosted by Robert H. Jackson
Articles and related links on course structure and management
A Guide to Online Education by Greg Kearsley (1997)
Greg Kearsley's paper provides an overview of some aspects of the nature of teaching and learning online. He offers a few suggestions to help faculty make the most of the medium, including rules of "netiquette." Finally, Greg describes some misconceptions about this means of education. The paper, including the bibliography, has links to other online resources.
Teaching Methods and Techniques for Computer-mediated Communication by Morton Flate Paulsen
A discussion on methods and techniques for CMC opportunities.
The Distance Education online Symposium by Morten Paulsen
A framework for online teaching.
Blending the Online and Traditional Models of Teaching: The Next Paradigm for Adult Education by author
Or at URL http://www.cite.ecollege.com/papers/Dempf.html Discussion on paradigms for online teaching
The Chicago Handbook for Teachers:A Practical Guide by Univ. of Chicago Press
An excerpt from the book on using electronic resources. Book available in the Center for loan.
The Powerful Potential of Learning Communities by Lenning and Ebers
Lenning and Ebers provide descriptions and examples of learning communities. The book is available for loan from the Center. The URL contains abstracts from the book.
Tools & Resources
Resources for Moderators and Facilitators of online Discussion by Steve Jones
An excerpt from a book Cyber Society: Computer-Mediated Communication and Community.
Virtual Teaching with Technology by UMUC-BellAtlantic
The University of Maryland University College received funding from the Bell Atlantic Foundation to develop the Bell Atlantic Virtual Resource Site for Teaching with Technology. This website is being developed as a "resource for faculty seeking direction in appropriate ways to use Web-based technologies to accomplish key learning strategies." Currently, the site has one module that consists of "resources for use in the selection of appropriate media to accomplish specific learning objectives." Of particular interest is the "systems approach" which consists of 7 steps to follow in developing online components of a course.
Reference Listing
Tufts University Center for Teaching Excellence Advisory Committee
WCMS: Home | Executive Summary | Final Report | Narratives and Data | Findings | RealVideo Tour | Webliography