Faculty Technology Use Survey Data

Item 37

What area, if any, is your secondary teaching area?

Table 37. 1998 and 2001 technology survey data, question 37.
χ2 (chi-square), p=0.0413*
Response 1998 Frequency (Number of responses) 2001 Frequency (Number of responses)
Social & Behavioral Sciences 2.3% (2) 2.8% (2)
Humanities 9.3% (8) 1.4% (1)
Science/Mathematics 4.7% (4) 10.1% (7)
Business 3.5% (3) 1.4% (1)
Education 7.0% (6) 5.7% (4)
Not listed above 16.3% (14) 4.3% (3)
I do not have a secondary teaching area. 57.0% (49) 73.9% (51)
Missing 5 (-) -

See also: Faculty Technology Use Index | Overview & Summary | Item-by-Item Analysis | Survey Data