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OK, OK, after being here for 25 years I'm not actually new. I got a new job title, though! Doesn't that count for something? Well, to be honest, even the title isn't new. It became official four years ago last month. But for very complicated reasons, I never got around to announcing it... until now.

[video, 7:48]

When I introduce myself as a "Creative Generalist" in a professional context, I always feel compelled to add that, yes, that's my official job title. In part, that's because it was a long time coming. It took years of advocacy to get my job title changed. But mainly it's because I relish the title itself, and what it means. I feel it's just about the perfect descriptor for who I am and what I do.

...continue reading "Meet Your New Creative Generalist"

A conversation between Xavier's very own Tia Smith (Mass Communications) and Bart Everson (CAT+FD) on teaching, learning, media, and the COVID-19 outbreak.

Tia Smith

Dr. Tia L. Smith joined the Mass Communication Department at Xavier University in 2015 as Department Head. Dr. Smith received her Bachelors in Mass Communication, Speech and Theater from Bennett College for Women in Greensboro, North Carolina. She earned a Masters of Arts in International Telecommunications with a Concentration in Women’s Studies, and a Doctorate of Philosophy in Mass Communication from the Scripps College of Communication at Ohio University.

Dr. Smith has worked as a corporate communications consultant, focusing on communication campaigns, media relations and international communication education. She has trained journalists and media professionals throughout the Caribbean and Latin American on covering taboo topics such as Child Sexual Abuse, Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking. She has lived and worked in diverse cultural and learning environments in the United States, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Brazil and Trinidad & Tobago.

And, in addition to chapters and journal articles, her first book is Contradictions in a Hip-Hop World: An Auto-ethnography of Black Women’s Lived Experiences.


Bart Everson is a media artist and creative generalist at Xavier University's Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Faculty Development. His recent work draws on integrative learning, activism, critical perspectives on technology, and Earth-based spiritual paths.

Links for this episode:


...continue reading "Conversation #95: Tia Smith on Media and COVID-19"

A conversation with Iman Shervington on young people and their interactions with new media.

Iman Shervington is the Director of Media and Communications for the Institute of Women and Ethnic Studies, a national nonprofit based in New Orleans whose programming works to improve overall wellness in communities of color. Iman grew up in New Orleans and earned her BA in International Relations from the University of Southern California. She earned a Master of Fine Arts in Directing from Columbia University. As a filmmaker, she uniquely uses her media training in civic and public programming and campaigns. As a core dissemination and outreach strategy she uses digital media platforms to amplify her work with community health programs, curriculum development, participatory action research and media literacy, among other areas of expertise. She has also collaborated with both community partners and university programs for film projects and social campaigns.

Links for this episode:

...continue reading "Conversation #75: Iman Shervington on Young People and New Media"