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Bb Tip #111: Grade Center – Needs Grading

If you want quick access to items that are ready for grading, the Needs Grading page can help you determine what needs attention first and allows you to access it quickly. You can view all items ready for grading or for review on the Needs Grading page, where you can begin grading and reviewing or sort and filter columns to narrow the list. Student attempts are placed in a queue for easy navigation among items.

image showing Grade Center-Needs Grading

Alternatively, within the Grade Center you can easily see items that ready for grading because they will be identified by the "Needs Grading" indicator.

image showing student work with Needs Grading indicator

Sometimes instructors are expecting student work that is ready to be graded to have the "Needs Grading" indicator but instead the "Attempt in Progress" indicator is shown.

image showing student work with Attempt in Progress indicator

Listed below is an explanation of how the "Needs Grading" and "Attempt in Progress" indicators work:

When an instructor creates a wiki, blog, journal, or discussion board and chooses the Grade option, but does NOT check the box to the left of the "Show participants in "needs grading" status after every..." option, student attempts will have the "Attempt in Progress" indicator in Grade Center. These attempts will not be shown on the Needs Grading page.

Once a student has submitted their work, editing the item (i.e., wiki, blog, journal, discussion board) and checking the "Show participants in "needs grading" status after every..." box will NOT change the "Attempt in Progress" indicator for that student. However, the "Needs Grading" indicator will work correctly from that point forward for students who had not yet submitted their work before the "Show participants in "needs grading" status after every..." box was checked.

Because the "Attempt in Progress" indicator will not change for those students who submitted their work before the "Show participants in "needs grading" status after every..." box was checked, instructors should go into the Grade Center and enter a grade for those students.

Bottom line, in order for the "Needs Grading" indicator to be displayed in the Grade Center, instructors should set the "Show participants in "needs grading" status after every..." option BEFORE students start submitting their work.

Additionally, for student submitted work that has started but does not meet the minimum number set in the "Show participants in "needs grading" status after every..." option, the Grade Center entry will show the "Attempt in Progress" indicator.

Want more information?

Grade Center – About Needs Grading
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