Have you ever met with a student and wanted to review the student’s grades in Blackboard, but couldn’t because the Grade Center shows the grades of all the other students? Row visibility allows you to temporarily hide the grades of all the other students and only show the grades for a single student.
Follow these steps to do it.
To hide rows:
- In the Grade Center, roll your mouse to the Last Name, First Name, or Username cell of the desired student and click on the drop-down arrow in the right of the cell.
- Select [Hide Other Rows] from the short cut menu. When done, you should only see the selected student.
To show rows:
- In the Grade Center, roll your mouse to the Last Name, First Name, or Username cell of the student and click on the drop-down arrow in the right of the cell.
- Select [Show All Rows] from the short cut menu. When done, you should see all students.
Want more information?
Grade Center - Row Visibility (PDF)
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