In the event of an emergency that disrupts the University’s ability to have classes on campus for an extended period of time, you can be ready to continue your classes online. Here are some things you can do to be prepared should the need arise.
- Understanding and Building Your Course
- Getting Started with Course Environment (VideoOpens in a new window) (PDFOpens in a new window)
- Getting Started with Course Content (PDFOpens in a new window)
- Utilize Blackboard’s Communication Tools
- Create Announcements (VideoOpens in a new window) (PDFOpens in a new window)
- Send Email (VideoOpens in a new window)
- Collecting Student Work
- Getting Started with Assignments (PDFOpens in a new window)
- Utilize Blackboard’s Collaboration Tools
- Blogs, Wikis, Journals, & Discussion Boards Explained (PDFOpens in a new window)
- Posting Grades
- Getting Started with the Grade Center (PDFOpens in a new window)
Want more information?
Step-by-step instructions are available [PDFs] as well as
on-demand videosOpens in a new window.
Signup for Blackboard workshopsOpens in a new window or request one-on-one helpOpens in a new window.
Visit the Blackboard FAQsOpens in a new window for additional blackboard information
or email or call Janice Florent: (504) 520-7418