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How to Find the Information to Request a Course Migration

By now, Xavier faculty have received an email from ITC asking them to identify the courses they have in Blackboard that they want to have migrated over to Brightspace. Brightspace's parent company, D2L, will be doing the actual migration for us, but we need to tell them which classes we wanted migrated. The email from ITC links to a form that asks for some very specific information for each course you want migrated (if you want to have more than one course migrated, you'll need to refill and resubmit the form for each course). This post will show you how you can quickly find all the information you need.

First, log into Blackboard.

This is a screenshot of the homepage within Blackboard.
The Blackboard homepage
From the Homepage, click on the cog icon at the top of the MY COURSES module.

On the PERSONALIZE: MY COURSES page, you will see a list of all of the courses you have available to you in Blackboard. Once you've figured out which of your courses you want to have migrated, you need to find the required information.

This is a screen shot of the Personalize: My Courses page in Blackboard.
Your courses as listed on the Personalize: My Courses page
For each listed course, you will see a long course name with a string of information separated by periods before a colon that is followed by the actual course title. These take two standard forms:

  1. For courses taught since January 2017, the beginning of the name follows the following format:
    • [Banner Term Code].[CRN].[Course Code].[Course Number].[Section Number]. So one of my sections of ENGL 1020 from last spring looks like this:
      • 201701.12490.ENGL.1020.07: ENGL 1020-07 - Todd - Spring 2017.
  2. For courses taught before January 2017, the beginning of the name follows the following format:
    • [CRN].[Course Code].[Course Number].[Section Number].[Term Abbreviation]. So the grammar class I taught last fall looks like this:
      • 84223.ENGL.2200.01.FA16: Modern English Grammars (Fa16).

Why does all this matter? Because to request to have a course migrated, you need to provide the Term, the CRN, the Course Code, and the Course Number.

This is a screen shot of a portion of the Course Migration Request Form.
Filling out the Course Migration Request Form

Special Considerations

  • You should not request to have all of your existing courses in Blackboard migrated to Brightspace, as you will end up with a lot of duplication. For any course you've taught more than once, you will probably want just the most recent version migrated.
  • If you use Master Course Shells in Blackboard, you'll want to transfer those.
  • If you had any of your courses merged in Blackboard, be careful to identify the right course. In Blackboard, when two or more courses are merged, one of the courses is designated as the PARENT course, and that is the one that contains all your content and such. The other courses are the CHILD courses; these are empty of content. Since January 2017, the parent course will have MERGE.REQUEST in the course name. For older merged courses, you'll need to go into the course to see which has the content and is the parent.
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About Jason S. Todd

Jason S. Todd is the Director of the Center for the Advancement of Teaching & Faculty Development at Xavier University of Louisiana. He has also served as the Faculty Director of the Core Curriculum, Director of the Digital Humanities Program, QEP Director, and Writing Center Director. Todd completed his Ph.D. at the University of Southern Mississippi in 2006 and his undergraduate studies at Webster University in 1996. His short stories and articles have appeared in journals such as Southern Literary Journal, Southern California Review, Chicago Quarterly Review, Fiction Weekly, and Xavier Review. He teaches courses on American literature, comics and graphic novels, and genre fiction. He is the instructor of the popular transdisciplinary course Dystopias, Real & Imagined. He also serves as contributing editor for the Xavier Review and a troop leader and merit badge counselor for Scouting America.

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