What is Answer Garden?
AnswerGarden is a new, free, quick and easy feedback tool. Use it for real time class participation, online brainstorming and feedback. AnswerGarden is standalone and embeddable, and shows hundreds of answers all at once.
How do I create an AnswerGarden?
No logins are necessary. Go to the Create New AnswerGarden page, type in your question and then press the "Create"-button. We recommend that you provide a password for your garden so you can edit it later. You can also choose a few preferences for the number of times a student can respond, etc. Your AnswerGarden is then ready to use!
Here is one of several tutorials created in different languages about using AnswerGarden.
There's a new free ipad app as well.
Let's grow our own Garden! Click to give your answer to "What are your holiday plans?"