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Spark Success at Tulane

We're pleased to invite Xavier faculty to Tulane University's Sparking Success Conference on January 10-11 of next year. This prestigious event, hosted close to home, offers a unique platform for sharing your expertise and learning from fellow educators.

Why Attend or Present?

  1. Inspiring Sessions: Explore innovative teaching methods and research findings from esteemed colleagues. Gain fresh insights to elevate your teaching strategies and academic pursuits.
  2. Professional Networking: Connect with peers from diverse disciplines, fostering collaborations and expanding your professional network.
  3. Local Impact: Contribute to the local educational landscape by sharing your knowledge or attending sessions that align with your interests.

Ready to make your mark? Submit your presentation proposal or register to attend now.

We look forward to seeing you at the conference, where your contributions can shape the future of education.

Illustration by Midjourney

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