Download Conversation #16
A conversation with Gloria Mark of the University of California, Irvine, on teaching, learning, multitasking and social media.
We found that people switched activities on the average of every three minutes. So that's day in and day out, from morning til night, every three minutes they would switch tasks. It's a very robust finding. Even with doing further research we still come up with this three minute number.
Links for this episode:
- Gloria Mark home page
- Meet the Life Hackers from New York Times magazine
- Does the Brain Like e-Books from Room for Debate (NYT)
- Staying Sharp: Help! I've Lost My Focus from Time magazine
- E-mail is destroying you from Marketplace (scroll down)
- Taking E-Mail Vacations Can Reduce Stress, Study Says from Bits (NYT)
- You knew this: Work emails are bad for your health, study finds from L.A. Times