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desk with feedback written on piece of graph paper

You can use Blackboard to get feedback from your students. The Survey Manager allows you to create anonymous non-graded surveys. You can get statistical analysis of the responses provided by your students as a whole but you cannot see how a student answered a particular question. Some examples of the types of uses for surveys are: seeking feedback on the effectiveness of active learning exercises, the need for clarification of course material, and/or seeking suggestions for course improvement.

Follow these steps to do it.

Making surveys available to your students is a two-step process. You must create the survey first and then deploy it.

Create Survey:

  1. Goto the [Control Panel] for the course, click on [Course Tools] to expand it and then click on [Tests, Surveys, and Pools].
  2. Click [Surveys].
  3. On the Survey Manager page, click [Build Survey].
  4. On the Survey Information page, enter the survey Name, Description, and Instructions.
  5. Click [Submit].
  6. On the Survey Canvas page, roll your mouse over [Create Question], choose the appropriate question type, and then enter your survey question. Click [Submit] to save the question. Repeat this step to add all of your survey questions.
  7. Click [Ok] to exit the survey creation process.

Deploy Survey:

  1. Turn Edit Mode ON.
  2. Navigate to the Content Area where you want the students to go to take the survey.
  3. Roll your mouse over [Assessments] and click on [Survey].
  4. On the Create Survey page, select the survey from the Add an Existing Survey box and click [Submit].
  5. On the Survey Options page, specify the survey availability and other settings.
  6. Click [Submit].

Analyze Results:

  1. Goto the [Control Panel] for the course and click on [Grade Center] to expand it. Click on [Full Grade Center].
  2. Locate the survey column in the Grade Center. Roll your mouse over the survey column heading and click on the arrow on the right of the survey column heading and then click on [Attempts Statistics].
  3. Review the survey results.
  4. Click OK at the bottom of the page to return to the Grade Center.

Download Results:

  1. Goto the [Control Panel] for the course and click on [Grade Center] to expand it. Click on [Full Grade Center].
  2. Locate the survey column in the Grade Center. Roll your mouse over the survey column heading and click on the arrow on the right of the survey column heading and then click on [Download Results]. This option allows you to compile the questions and answers in a spreadsheet to review offline.

Want more information?

Step-by-step instructions are available [PDF].
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Image credit: desk/feedback by www_darkworkx_de | Pixabay License

Blackboard’s Survey Manager allows you to create anonymous non-graded surveys. Surveys allow you to get feedback from your students on any topic. Survey questions are anonymous, so your students can feel free to respond honestly to the survey questions. You can get statistical analysis of the responses provided by your students as a whole but you cannot see how a student answered a particular question. Some examples of the types of uses for surveys are: seeking feedback on the effectiveness of active learning exercises, the need for clarification of course material, and/or seeking suggestions for course improvement.

Follow these steps to do it.
Making surveys available to your students is a two step process. You have to create the survey first and then deploy it.

Create Survey: To create a survey get into the [Control Panel] and select [Survey Manager] located under Assessment. Click on the [Add Survey] button on the toolbar. Enter a name for the survey in the name field. Enter a description and instructions for the survey and then click Submit. Once in the survey canvas, click on [Creation Settings] to select default settings to be available when creating the survey questions and then click submit. Choose the question type in the Add field and then click the GO button to enter a survey question. Follow the instructions for entering the survey question. Repeat this process to add each question to your survey. Click OK when you have entered all your survey questions. You will be returned to the Survey Manager. Click OK to be returned to the Control Panel.

Deploy Survey: To deploy a survey you will have to add the survey to a content area. Get into the [Control Panel]. Assuming the content area you want to post your survey to is shown in the content area, you should click on the link for that content area in the Control Panel. Next select [Survey] from the drop down menu that on the right side of the toolbar and then click the [Go] button. Select the survey to be added to the content area from the list. Click OK. Click the [Modify the Survey options] link. Select the [Yes] radio button to make the survey available. Choose the availability and presentation options for your survey. Click the Submit button and then click OK.

Note: If the content area you want to deploy your survey is not shown in the Control Panel content areas you will have to create it by modifying the course menu. Refer to Tip #7 for instructions on Customizing the Course Menu.

Analyze Survey Results: You can view/analyze the survey results by getting into the [Control Panel] of the course and click on the [Grade Center] link (located under Assessments). Click on the arrows on the right side of the survey’s column heading and select [Attempts Statistics] from the drop down menu.

Want more information?
Step-by-step instructions are available [PDF].
Visit the Blackboard FAQs for additional Blackboard information
or email or call Janice Florent: (504) 520-7418