The World-Wide Teach-In is underway now, and we're doing our part here at Xavier University of Louisiana. A number of professors already have or soon will MakeClimateAClass.
- Rev. Gregory Manning spoke to Dr. Mark Gstohl's Christian Faith class, and wow! — what a powerful message. See pic below.
- With her XCOR 1011 Food Matters class, Dr. Elizabeth Yost Hammer discussed a provocative essay by famed scholar Yuval Noah Harari, "Industrial Farming Is One of the Worst Crimes in History."
- Dr. Jason Todd used ChatGPT to help write a microlecture on climate fiction for XCOR 3010 Dystopias, Real and Imagined.

There's still time to participate in the teach-in this year. See Bard College for details.
Did we miss anyone? Did you #MakeClimateAClass? Let us know!