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Bb Tip #70: Integrate Web 2.0 Tools in your Course

Web 2.0 tools reflect the new ways people are using the web. First generation web content was comprised of static pages. Web 2.0 tools can engage your students by adding new ways to communicate and collaborate in your course.

Web 2.0 tools can be embedded into your Blackboard course. Integrate Web Tools into Blackboard [PDF] describes and rates the ease of use of 14 free Web 2.0 tools you can use to engage students. Additional Web 2.0 tools that may be helpful in your teaching and learning can be found at this link: 50 Web Tools in 50 Minutes.

Follow these steps to do it.
To embed a Web 2.0 tool into your course:

  1. Access the website for the Web 2.0 Tool.
  2. Create the tool, presentation, or collaboration space.
  3. Locate the embed code. This is usually available by clicking a link to share or embed the content.
  4. Copy the embed code.
  5. In your Blackboard course, create an Item in a content area.
  6. On the Create Item page, type a Name.
  7. In the Text Editor, click the Toggle HTML Source Mode icon.
  8. Paste the embed code.
  9. Click Submit.

Want more information?
Using Web 2.0 tools [Video]
Integrating Web 2.0 tools into your course [PDF]
7 Things you should know about privacy in Web 2.0 learning environments [PDF]
Explore Blackboard’s On Demand Learning Center [HTML].
Blackboard How-To documents [PDF]
Visit the Blackboard FAQs for additional blackboard information
or email or call Janice Florent: (504) 520-7418

3 thoughts on “Bb Tip #70: Integrate Web 2.0 Tools in your Course

  1. Pingback: CAT Food » Blog Archive » Bb Tip #108: Videos

  2. Pingback: CAT FooD » Blog Archive » Bb Tip #138: Videos Redux

  3. Pingback: CAT FooD » Blog Archive » Technology to Help Students Find Their Voice

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