The blank page tool allows instructors to include files, images, and text as a link in a course area. Blank pages present content in a different way than items do. No description appears below the title of the blank page. Blank pages appear as clickable links. Users see your content only after clicking the link. This reduces the amount of scrolling and streamlines the appearance of the course area. Blank pages can include mashups, links to course content, and file attachments.
Instructors can create a blank page directly on the course menu for critical information. For example, you might add a map image for an upcoming field trip, information and photo for a guest speaker, a checklist of reading materials and websites to visit before a chat session, or a study guide for the final exam.
Follow these steps to do it.
To create a Blank Page:
- Turn Edit Mode ON.
- Access a content area, learning module, lesson plan, or folder that you want to add the new blank page to.
- On the menu bar, roll your mouse over [Build Content] then click on [Blank Page].
- Replace the "New Page" title with a descriptive name for the page. This becomes the link in the course area.
- Type your content for the page in the Content box.
- Select your Options.
- Click [Submit].
Want more information?
About Blank Pages
Customizing the Course Menu
Best Practices: Items, Blank Pages, and Files
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