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ICYMI: Secure the Testing Environment and Protect the Integrity of Online Tests

Secure the Testing Environment and Protect the Integrity of Online Tests [1:03:48]

Thanks to those of you who attended last week's "Secure the Testing Environment and Protect the Integrity of Online Tests" workshop. The workshop, the eighteenth in our #LEX Advanced series, helps you to build on the skills you learned in the #LearnEverywhereXULA course and is designed for faculty who want to secure the online testing environment and protect the integrity of students' work.

In case you missed last week’s training session or if you attended the training session and want to recap what was covered, a copy of the workshop recording and resources referenced in the workshop are available. You can find the workshop recording and other resources in support of the workshop on the CAT+FD wiki.

Additionally, if you did not get the opportunity to earn a digital badge for participating in the workshop, it's not too late to earn that badge. We have a corresponding “Securing Testing Environment” module in the #LearnEverywhereXULA (#LEX) course that you can complete to earn a digital badge for this topic. The badge will count towards your #LEX Advanced certification.

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