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Race and the Digital Humanities

The National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education (NITLE) has invited Xavier faculty and staff to a rare open seminar titled, "Race and the Digital Humanities: An Introduction."

This is an online seminar, or webinar, so no travel is necessary. It's also quite unusual for a NITLE seminar to be open to non-members, so there's no cost.

The seminar will give a brief survey of the emerging field of race and the digital humanities, introduce the audience to a variety of digital projects informed by race, and provide links to resources for people interested in working in this field. Topics covered will include: the genealogy of these debates, the theoretical assumptions that inform them, and issues to consider while constructing a race and digital humanities project.

Dr. Adeline Koh is a visiting faculty fellow at Duke University (2012-2013) and an assistant professor of literature at Richard Stockton College. She is also a core contributor to the Profhacker blog at The Chronicle of Higher Education, and a member of the Editorial Board for Anvil Academic. (Follow her on Twitter.)

The seminar takes place Friday, November 16, 3 – 4pm Central Time.

If you are interested, register now.

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