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One of the changes implemented in our system with our July 2021 Continuous Delivery Updates was the end-of-life status for the old My Courses Widget sort logic. The old My Courses sort logic was retired. The new My Courses Widget uses the Updated Sort Logic setting by default.

The Updated Sort Logic is intended to better organize the courses in the My Courses widget. The Updated Sort Logic presents both pinned and unpinned courses in the My Courses Widget, promoting the pinned courses to be displayed first in the widget.

The updated sorting logic in the My Courses Widget does not auto-pin courses, and allows the end-user to pin and rearrange courses in an order that makes sense to them. The updated sort logic tries to populate the widget with up-to 12 courses, starting with the user’s pinned courses, then pulling in unpinned courses by enrollment date until the widget contains 12 courses. The result is that most users get a sensible My Courses Widget with no intervention on their part, while pinning and customization is still available for the users who need it.

Screenshot of the Pinned tab in the My Courses widget
The Pinned tab appears in the My Courses widget when users pin courses

A new Pinned tab now appears in the My Courses widget. The “Pinned” tab displays only the courses that a user has pinned, similar to the old sort logic. The Pinned tab allows learners and instructors to create a curated view of their pinned courses. Clicking on the push pin to the right of the course name in the Course Selector will pin/unpin the course.

An example of pinning a course from course selector
Pin/unpin courses from the course selector

The Pinned tab appears in the widget only after a user pins a course in the Course Selector. The tab remains in view until all courses are unpinned. The My Courses widget remembers the last viewed tab and shows that same tab the next time the homepage is viewed. This makes it easy for instructors and learners who only wish to view pinned courses to see those courses upon login.

NOTE: The Pinned tab only appears when a user has one or more course pinned – tabs are not displayed to the user that contain 0 courses.

The View All Courses navigation drills down into the courses by showing manually pinned courses, followed by current enrollments, then future enrollments (if available and visible to the user), then past enrollments (if available or visible to the user) as the default sort. If the user changes the sort order, the filter does not separate pinned courses from other courses based on sort order, filters, and search terms.

Want more information?

Retirement of the Old My Courses Widget Sort Logic
About the My Courses Widget

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    Image credit: Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

    VoiceThread logo

    VoiceThread is a web 2.0 tool that allows you to humanize interactions in an online environment. Instructors and students can share a wide variety of media (images, PDFs, slides, video, and more) and share text, audio, and video comments on that media quickly and easily. VoiceThread transforms stale, text-based discussions by infusing your content and conversations with human presence, just as if students were all sitting in the classroom together, but without scheduling a specific time to meet.

    There are two new features available in VoiceThread assignments! Read on for more information about the new features that were recently introduced.


    If your course has a number of VoiceThread assignments, you might want to ensure that students complete those assignments in order. You can already set open and close dates, but this isn't always the best option, especially for self-paced courses. Now you can ensure that a previous assignment was completed before a student can even view the next one. It's a great way to keep students on the right track even if you have multiple assignments open at once.

    Just click the "Select a prior assignment" button on the last page of the setup process and choose the assignment(s) students must complete first.

    An example of the "Select a prior assignment" button in the Assignment Builder
    The "Select a prior assignment" button in the Assignment Builder

    Reconnecting Assignments

    Have you ever built an assignment in your course and then wished you could re-link it in a different place? You're in luck! There is a new feature that empowers you to re-link an assignment so you aren't stuck with that one-time setup.

    When you go into the Assignment Builder, you'll have a 4th option labeled "Reconnect Previous Assignment". When you select this option, you'll see a list of all assignments you've already built in this course, and you can choose the one you want to use. This will move the assignment from the old link in your course to the new location. The old link will no longer take students to this assignment.

    An example of the "Reconnect Previous Assignment" option in the Assignment Builder
    The "Reconnect Previous Assignment" option in the Assignment Builder

    Want more information?

    Other recently introduced VoiceThread features
    VoiceThread Instructor Support
    Add VoiceThread to your Course
    How to use new VoiceThread assignments
    Submitting new VoiceThread assignments – Students
    VoiceThread FAQ

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    Note: Are you doing something innovative in Brightspace or perhaps you've discovered a handy tip? Share how you are using Brightspace in your teaching and learning in The Orange Room.


    D2L (the company that owns Brightspace) uses Continuous Delivery to update our Brightspace system. The Continuous Delivery model gives us regular monthly updates allowing for incremental and easily integrated changes with no downtime required for our Brightspace system.

    Our Continuous Delivery update occurs on the 4th Thursday of each month. D2L provides release notes to help users stay up-to-date with the changes.

    Here are a few updates in the July 2022/20.22.7 release that were added to our system this month:

    1) Brightspace Platform Requirements - Receive browser update alerts

    The supported browser list is updated to reflect browsers that need to be updated. Users will receive the message “Your browser is looking a little retro” that prompts users to update their browser. Legacy Browsers are also updated. All users of Legacy Browsers receive the message “Unsupported Browser” either before or after logging in. There are no changes to the ability to access Brightspace.

    Browser update prompt in Brightspace Learning Environment
    Browser update prompt in Brightspace Learning Environment

    2) Grades – Copy grade items only copies unique or in-use grade schemes

    This feature updates the Copy Course Components functionality in regard to copying grade schemes to prevent unnecessary duplicates.

    When a grade item is copied, any grade scheme associated with the item is also copied. If a grade scheme is not associated to a grade item within the course offering, the scheme is only copied if the grade scheme is unique (i.e., there are no duplicates which match on name, and ranges).

    Previously, unassociated grade schemes were always copied over with the grade items, causing numerous unnecessary duplicates.

    3) Turnitin – Rearrangement of options for the Turnitin integration

    The Turnitin integration options layout and feature names are changed with this release. The option changes can be viewed on the Turnitin Integrations options page.

    GradeMark is now Online Grading and Originality Check is now Similarity Report. Instructors can enable features for Online Grading and Similarity Report separately within the Turnitin Integration options page.

    Turnitin integration with updated options for Similarity Report and Online Grading
    Turnitin integration with updated options for Similarity Report and Online Grading

    4) Turnitin - Restrict files to file types supported by Turnitin with the updated panel

    Previously, Turnitin similarity check only supported specific file types while Turnitin grading check accepted any file type.

    Instructors can now restrict file types to those supported by Turnitin. If an invalid type is submitted, an error is reported with no other side effect.

    File type options for Turnitin submissions
    File type options for Turnitin submissions

    The updated side panel now indicates which Turnitin services are enabled. The text on these indications reflects the new Turnitin feature names for Similarity Report and Online Grading.

    Updated side panel showing which Turnitin services are enabled
    The updated side panel shows which Turnitin services are enabled

    5) Turnitin - Turnitin feature names are now reflected in Brightspace Learning Environment’s user interface

    In Brightspace Learning Environment, the submission view now reflects the new Turnitin feature names that match Brightspace’s user interface styling and text. The column titled Turnitin Similarity is now Turnitin® Similarity Report. The column titled Turnitin® GradeMark® is changed to Turnitin Online Grading.

    There is no change in the functionality of submission views.

    The new Turnitin submission view in Brightspace Learning Environment
    The new Turnitin submission view in Brightspace Learning Environment

    If you are interested in getting more information about these and all the July Continuous Delivery updates, refer to the Brightspace Platform July 2022/20.22.7 Release Notes.

    Additionally, refer to the Brightspace Release Notes for Continuous Delivery Releases, for details about current, past, and to preview upcoming continuous delivery updates.

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    Note: Are you doing something innovative in Brightspace or perhaps you've discovered a handy tip? Share how you are using Brightspace in your teaching and learning in The Orange Room.

    Image credit: image by geralt from Pixabay


    D2L (the company that owns Brightspace) uses Continuous Delivery to update our Brightspace system. The Continuous Delivery model gives us regular monthly updates allowing for incremental and easily integrated changes with no downtime required for our Brightspace system.

    Our Continuous Delivery update occurs on the 4th Thursday of each month. D2L provides release notes to help users stay up-to-date with the changes.

    Here are a few updates in the June 2022/20.22.6 release that were added to our system this month:

    1) Assignments – Save time by copying assignments to other courses

    Instructors who teach several courses and have the new Assignments > Copy to Other Courses permissions are now able to copy assignments between their courses. The copied assignment includes the following key assignment properties:

    • Assignment folder and properties, including instructions, assignment category, and visibility
    • Assignment properties including description, attachments (direct file attachments, uploaded from Google Workspace or OneDrive, and audio and video files), and category
      Grade item and grade category
    • Availability dates
    • Submission and completion information, including the Optional Grade item and the course scheme if used.
    • Rubric(s) associated with the assignment. When copying an assignment that uses a shared rubric, instead of linking a copied assignment to a shared rubric, the rubric is also copied. The copied assignment links to the copied rubric. If an assignment uses a rubric that is archived, the rubric is copied and retains the archived state in the destination courses.

    The following attributes are not copied:

    • Instruction quicklinks and attachment resources created with the Attach link to existing activity action.
    • Instruction images added using Insert Image that were saved to course files.
    • Availability Release conditions and special access settings.
    • Submission and completion information including group assignment designation.
    • Evaluation and Feedback information including Turnitin associations, competency, and outcome associations.
    • Content topic associations (for example, if the assignment is linked from content).

    NOTE: In some cases, references to links and images that are not copied may result in broken links.

    The Copy to Other Courses option appears in the context menu of assignments.

    The Copy to Other Courses menu item highlighted
    The Copy Assignments dialog enables you to select the associated rubrics and grade items and choose destinations.

    In the Copy Assignment dialog, you can select any rubrics and grade items associated with the selected assignment to include them in the copy package. The Choose Destinations area enables you to search by keyword or semester to find the destination courses for the assignment. Only course offerings for which a user has the Copy to Other Courses permission appear in the Choose Destinations list. By default, the maximum number of courses you can select is 10.

    The Copy Assignments dialog box showing checkboxes for rubrics and grade items
    The Copy Assignments dialog enables you to select the associated rubrics and grade items and choose destinations.

    After you have completed the Copy Assignment dialog, the progress page indicates the status of each destination course and any issues. If you navigate away from the progress page, a minibar notification in Brightspace Learning Environment indicates when the assignment has been copied to all the destination courses. You can click the notification to open the progress page to review the status and logged issues.

    This feature partially implements PIE item D6762 - Post the same assignment to multiple courses, and D5754 - Export assessments to multiple courses.

    2) Brightspace Pulse – Pulse App now only supported on Android 6 / iOS13 and above

    With this release, the Brightspace Pulse App is now only supported on the following mobile operating systems:

    • Android 6 and above
    • iOS13 and above

    This ensures that mobile level support is consistent across all D2L Apps, rather than being on a per-app basis; and consistent with Android and Apple policies concerning operating system support.

    Previously, Brightspace Pulse was supported on Android 6 and iOS12 and above.

    3) Classlist – View user pronouns next to names to further personalize learning

    Classlist can now display users' pronouns next to their names. Users with the existing Set My Pronouns permission enabled for their role can choose whether to display their pronouns to other users in the Account Settings > Pronouns menu. They must check the Allow others to see my pronouns check box for their pronouns to display in Classlist. Users must have the existing See Pronouns permission enabled for their role to see their classmates' pronouns in Classlist.

    Previously, the only location where pronouns displayed was in a user's profile card. Refer to Brightspace Tip #270: Pronouns for more information.

    Classlist showing pronouns highlighted to the right of the name of a learner
    Pronouns display in the 'Last Name, First Name' column of Classlist, to the right of the user's name, in parentheses. User name text is blue, pronoun text is grey.

    This feature implements PIE items D5207 (Preferred Pronoun field in Classlist) and D8232 (Display Pronouns in Classlist).

    4) Quizzes – Create engaging assessments quickly with the new quiz creation experience

    The new quiz creation experience brings create and edit consistency changes from Assignments to Quizzes.

    Quizzes tool shown in the new quiz creation experience.
    The new quiz creation experience.

    The primary panel on the left contains common, frequently used fields that are always displayed. These fields are most relevant to learners and are core to quiz creation. The add/edit question workflow has been brought into the primary panel, giving users the ability to easily modify quiz questions without the need to navigate to a separate interface.

    The right-hand panel organizes additional, more advanced options such as start and end dates, release conditions, and special access. These options follow the same logical groupings as found in Assignments. Other quiz-specific settings can be found in the right-hand panel including creating a password protected quiz, applying IP restrictions, adjusting quiz timing, setting display options, managing attempts, and altering evaluation and feedback settings.

    See the Welcome to the New Quiz Creation Experience knowledge article for an in-depth look at all the feature and capability changes with this update.

    5) Rubrics - Quickly determine a Rubrics state with archived tags and selection list descriptions

    To provide consistency with other Rubrics experiences and build on the value of the Rubrics tool, there are several improvements in this release.

    Archived Rubrics now appear with an archived tag

    The Archived tag enables users to update rubric versions while keeping the existing evaluation records available for instructors and learners to review. Previously, when you changed a rubric, previous evaluations were removed. Now, if you change the status of a rubric to Archived, there are no effects on the alignment of rubrics to any assessment activities or previous evaluations that were completed using the rubric. Rubrics that are changed to an Archived status after the initial alignment to the activity continue to display and can be used for evaluation. There is a new Archived tag that appears on rubric tiles in activity creation and activity evaluation workflows to provide information to instructors and course developers that a rubric previously aligned to an activity is now archived. The Archived tag appears in both full-screen and pop-out views of the rubric in Grades, Competencies, and in the Consistent Eval experience. In addition, it appears in rubrics results pages and during evaluation for instructors in collapsed, expanded, and full-screen view. You cannot add archived rubrics to assessment activities and new rubric alignments - this behavior has not changed.

    Note: The archived state tag is not visible to learners. If you have been evaluated using an archived status rubric, the learner can see those evaluations and feedback.

    Rubric descriptions now appear in the Rubric picker list

    The Rubric selection dialog window now includes the first two rows of the rubric description to enable instructors and course designers to better identify the version of a rubric when its name is being reused for a current rubric.

    The help description for Status in the Rubrics tool now more clearly explains the interaction of archived status rubrics

    The help text icon now appears next to the Status column heading, and the Archived Status text now more accurately reflects the available interactions with archived status rubrics. Specifically, it expands the description to indicate that archived rubrics do not appear in default search results and cannot be added to activities; however they can be evaluated. Further, archiving a rubric does not remove it from activities or published feedback.

    The Archived tag appears under the Rubric title.
    The Archived tag appears under the Rubric title.
    The new location of the help icon in the Rubric Status column.
    The new location of the help icon in the Rubric Status column.

    If you are interested in getting more information about these and all the June Continuous Delivery updates, refer to the Brightspace Platform June 2022/20.22.6 Release Notes.

    Additionally, refer to the Brightspace Release Notes for Continuous Delivery Releases, for details about current, past, and to preview upcoming continuous delivery updates.

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    Note: Are you doing something innovative in Brightspace or perhaps you've discovered a handy tip? Share how you are using Brightspace in your teaching and learning in The Orange Room.

    Image credit: image by geralt from Pixabay

    Respondus LockDown Browser (RLDB) has a remote proctoring option that works with Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet and other web based video systems. The 'Instructor Live Proctoring' option uses LockDown Browser to deter cheating on the computer itself, while the instructor watches students via video conferencing. The Instructor Live Proctoring method is recommended for small class sizes (20-25 students max) where instructors can effectively observe and track students during the exam.

    laptop screen with a series of avatars

    When Respondus LockDown Browser is used with Instructor Live Proctoring, the instructor and students meet in the video conferencing application at a specified time. When ready, the instructor provides students a start code for the online exam – students start LockDown Browser from there. The instructor can then watch students via the video conference system for the duration of the exam. Note that Instructor Live Proctoring DOES NOT record the student video, nor does it alert the instructor to suspicious events. Those features are only available with Respondus Monitor, the automated proctoring solution.

    The RLDB Instructor Live Proctoring option is supported on Windows, MacOS and the new Chromebook Extension. LockDown Browser for iPad doesn’t directly support the Instructor Live Proctoring option (the iPad assessment mode doesn’t allow multiple apps to run simultaneously), but similar results can be achieved if a second device is used.

    Want more information?

    Instructor Live Proctoring with LockDown Browser (video)
    About LockDown Browser - Instructor Live Proctoring
    Instructor Live Proctoring Quick Start Guide
    RLDB Instructor Live Proctoring FAQ
    Brightspace Tip #200: Respondus LockDown Browser / Respondus Monitor
    Tips for Using Zoom to Proctor Your Online Exams

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    or schedule a one-on-one session, email, or
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    Note: Are you doing something innovative in Brightspace or perhaps you've discovered a handy tip? Share how you are using Brightspace in your teaching and learning in The Orange Room.

    Image credit: "video conference" by jflorent is dedicated to the public domain under CC0 is a derivative of image1, image2, image3, and image4 by coffeebeanworks used under Pixabay license.

    The 'Observed in Person' assignment submission type is for situations where a learner needs to present something or demonstrate something and an instructor needs to confirm that it was completed. This submission type allows instructors to create assignments for a wide variety of activities and provide evaluation and feedback for these assignments in Brightspace.

    assignment submission types

    The ‘Observed in Person’ submission type is meant for scoring and evaluation of a learning activity such as demonstration, presentation, lab test, etc.

    There are four submission types to choose from when creating an Assignment in Brightspace. The submission types are:

    • File submission: learners upload and submit a file to the assignment.
    • Text submission: learners post text, image, or a link to their work in a text box within the assignment.
    • On paper submission: learners submit a physical copy of their assignment directly to their instructor. No file upload is required to complete the assignment.
    • Observed in person: allows instructors to observe learners as they perform tasks, such as in-class presentations, and evaluate the observation. No file upload is required to complete the assignment.

    There are three options to mark an ‘Observed in Person’ assignment as completed:

    • Automatically on due date – Brightspace marks the assignment as completed on a pre-set date.
    • Automatically on evaluation – Brightspace automatically marks the assignment as complete when the instructor evaluates the assignment using any of the assessment methods in Brightspace.
    • Manually by Learner – The student will mark the assignment as complete.

    The assignment can be assessed using text/audio/video feedback, Brightspace interactive rubric, or by assigning a grade.

    Want more information?

    What is an ‘Observed in Person’ assignment?
    Create assignments and assess submissions
    Brightspace Tip #329: Simplify Assignment Collection
    Brightspace Tip #204: Interactive Rubrics
    Brightspace Tip #299: Video Notes
    Brightspace Tip #300: Video Notes - Closed Captions

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    or schedule a one-on-one session, email, or
    call Janice Florent: (504) 520-7418.

    Note: Are you doing something innovative in Brightspace or perhaps you've discovered a handy tip? Share how you are using Brightspace in your teaching and learning in The Orange Room.

    Use the Assignments tool to help you set and manage deadlines, unclutter your inbox, and save trees!

    email inbox showing there are 6763 unread messages

    The Assignments tool is an efficient way to manage and collect your student's individual and group assignments digitally. Brightspace's Assignments Tool allows instructors to create a secure location for students to submit class assignments.

    The Assignments tool allows instructors to set up a place for students to submit their assignments digitally, with the ability to:

    • Control the window for submission
    • Facilitate individual submissions or group submissions (provided the groups have been set up using the Groups tool first)
    • Collect and assess submissions (with a connection to the Grades tool, if needed)
    • Enable plagiarism detection through Turnitin

    Additionally, you can use Brightspace's Interactive Rubrics to increase efficiency. The interactive rubrics allow instructors to establish set criteria for grading assignments. Instructors can attach rubrics to assignment submission folders so that the criteria are visible to students at any time, only after grading has been completed, or not shown to the students at all. The rubrics click-and-score simplicity saves time when grading because rubrics are built into the grading workflow. For more information about rubrics refer to Brightspace Tip #204: Interactive Rubrics.

    Follow these steps to do it.

    To create an assignment submission folder:

    1. On the NavBar (of the course you want to create a submission folder), click Activities and then choose Assignments from the drop-down menu.
    2. Click New Assignment.
    3. Enter a Name for your submission folder.
    4. To evaluate the assignment with a numeric value, enter a Grade Out Of. A grade item with the same name as your assignment is automatically added to your gradebook. Alternatively, you can click on the "In Grade Book" menu item to reveal a drop-down list. Select the "Edit or Link to Existing" option and then navigate to a grade item that is already in your Grade Book.
    5. Set a Due Date.
    6. Enter assignment instructions.
    7. Upload any files, link to any existing activities or external weblinks, attach any files from Google Drive or OneDrive, and record and/or upload any audio or video notes.
    8. Expand Availability Dates & Conditions and do the following:
      • Set a Start Date and an End Date.
      • Attach Release Conditions.
      • Use Manage Special Access to enable the assignment to be available only to a select group of users or to add individualized due dates for certain users.
    9. Expand Submission & Completion and do the following:
      • For the Assignment Type, specify if this is an Individual Assignment or Group Assignment.
      • Select an existing category to align your assignment to or click New category to create a category.
      • Select a Submission Type:
        • For File submissions, set the number of Files Allowed Per Submission and the Submissions rules.
        • For Text submissions, set the Submission rules.
        • For On paper submissions, set Marked as completed to one of the available options: Manually by learners, Automatically on evaluation, or Automatically on due date.
        • For Observed in person assignments, set Marked as completed to one of the available options: Manually by learners, Automatically on evaluation, or Automatically on due date.
      • From the Allowable File Extensions dropdown menu, select an option to restrict file extensions on submissions for the assignment.
      • Use Notification Email to receive email notifications when an assignment is submitted.
    10. Expand Evaluation & Feedback and do the following:
      • Click Add rubric and either create and attach a new rubric or add an existing one.
      • Under Annotation Tools, select the Make annotation tools available for assessment check box.
      • To enable anonymous marking, under Anonymous Marking, select the Hide student names during assessment check box.
      • Under Turnitin Integration, click Manage Turnitin to enable the Turnitin integration and click Save.
    11. To make your assignment visible to learners, click on the Visibility toggle.
    12. Click Save and Close.

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    Note: Are you doing something innovative in Brightspace or perhaps you've discovered a handy tip? Share how you are using Brightspace in your teaching and learning in The Orange Room.

    Image credit: image by gabrielle_cc from Pixabay

    power off button

    I am writing this blog post as a follow up to Brightspace Tip #327: Use Submission Views to Show Quiz Results. As you may know, Submission Views are created to allow students to go back and review a submitted quiz. The Limited Duration option allows the instructor to choose what information the student sees immediately after completing the quiz (i.e., after the student clicks on the Submit Quiz button).

    Additional Views are created with a specified release date and time that allow instructors to determine what students can see when they go back to review a quiz. Currently, there isn’t an option to set an end date for a Submission View. Therefore, a Submission View is active until the system encounters a subsequent Submission View with a later date/time making it the active view.

    Better practice when setting up Submission Views is to create a “Shutdown View”. This ensures that quiz questions and answers are not available past the time the instructor plans to have it available. A Shutdown View will eliminate the need for the instructor to remember to delete Submission Views when they are past their usefulness.

    Well-structured Submission Views for an exam where the instructor wants students to be able to see the quiz questions and user responses for a limited amount of time could look like this:

    Example of an exam that is available for a limited amount of time for students to review
    Example of an exam that is available for a limited amount of time for students to review

    In the example above, the testing period for the quiz ends on April 3rd at 6 PM. The “After Testing Period Ends” Submission View will be active on April 5th at 6 AM. The Shutdown View will be active April 6th at 11:59 PM. Students will be able to see the quiz questions with their responses in between April 5th at 6 AM and April 6th at 11:59 PM.

    Creating a “Shutdown View” with an end of the semester date/time is good practice if you are planning to copy a course with quizzes that have Submission Views into another course. This ensures that a quiz with a Shutdown View will force you to update the Submission View settings in the course you are copying to. Thus reducing the possibility that you have a Submission View enabled before you want it to be. Even if you do not plan on reusing the exam in the future, setting up a “Shutdown View” is a better practice that can prevent future problems.

    Example of an exam with an End of Semester Shutdown Submission View
    Example of an exam with an End of Semester Shutdown Submission View

    Did you know you can use the Manage Dates tool to edit dates in bulk? Also, the Manage Dates tool provides you with a quick way to see which quizzes have Submission Views set. You can edit Submission Views from the Manage Dates tool as well.

    Example of quiz with Submission View dates displayed in the Other Dates column of the Manage Dates tool
    Example of quiz with Submission View dates displayed in the Other Dates column of the Manage Dates tool

    Want more information?

    Brightspace Tip #327: Use Submission Views to Show Quiz Results
    Setting a Submission View
    Customize Submission Views (video)
    How to view a completed test submission (pdf)
    Brightspace Tip #251: Manage Dates

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    Note: Are you doing something innovative in Brightspace or perhaps you've discovered a handy tip? Share how you are using Brightspace in your teaching and learning in The Orange Room.

    Image Credit: "shutdown" by jflorent is dedicated to the public domain under CC0 and is a derivative of "Image" by torstenbreswald from Pixabay

    Submission views can be created to allow students to go back and review a submitted quiz. Customizing the submission view allows instructors to choose what information the student sees upon completing the quiz, as well as what they can see when they go back to review a quiz. The default submission view shows the overall score to the student (when they submit their quiz) and nothing else. To release more information to students (i.e. feedback, their submitted answers, the answers to each question, class averages and statistics, etc.) you need to either edit the default submission view or set up an additional submission view.

    The Default View is what students see immediately upon submitting their quiz. The Default View typically does not allow students to see answers to a quiz, but does allow them to view their score on auto-graded items. If you adjust the Default View to allow students to see the answers to a quiz, keep in mind the Default View is what students see as soon as they submit their quiz. Thus, showing answers in the Default View while the quiz is still in progress would reveal answers to the quiz before ALL students have submitted the quiz.

    submission view - additional view

    Additional Views can be created with a specified release date and time that allows instructors to release information, or answers, after a certain time. For example, an Additional View could be created for after all students have submitted the quiz (i.e., after the quiz is closed) to allow students to view which questions they answered correctly and/or incorrectly, as well as answers to questions. Another Additional View could also be created to allow students to see the class statistics and could be set to release at the end of the semester. If a quiz has multiple attempts, you can also specify a score required on an attempt in order to release the submission view.

    I recommend you create an Additional View and name it “Shutdown View”. For the Shutdown View you would select "No" for the Show Questions option (in the View Details section) and enter the date/time you would like the first additional view to close to your students (in the View Restrictions section). This additional view will “shutdown” the first additional view as only the most recent submission view is the active one. This will ensure that your quiz questions and answers are not available past the time you plan to have it available. You may decide that you want the submission view to be available to your students through the end of the semester. In this case, I suggest creating a “Shutdown View” with an end of semester date/time. Creating a “Shutdown View” with an end of the semester date/time is good practice if you are planning to copy a course with quizzes that have submission views into another course. This ensures that a quiz with a Shutdown View will force you to update the settings in the course you are copying to. Thus reducing the possibility that you have a submission view enabled before you want it to be.

    Important Notes:

    • Submission Views DO NOT take effect until the quiz scores have been published. The “Allow attempt to be set as graded immediately upon completion” option must be checked. This option is found in the Assessment tab.
    • The Limited Duration option allows students to only be able to access the submission view for a short period immediately after completing the quiz. This option SHOULD NOT be used if you want students to review at a future date/time. In this case you should set up an additional view for the date/time you want the view to start AND set up a “Shutdown View”.
    • You should provide students with instructions on how to view a completed test submission.

    Want more information?

    Setting a Submission View
    Customize Submission Views (video)
    Brightspace Tip #328: Quizzes – Using a Shutdown View
    How to view a completed test submission (pdf)

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    Try these Brightspace How-To documents.
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    or schedule a one-on-one session, email, or
    call Janice Florent: (504) 520-7418.

    Note: Are you doing something innovative in Brightspace or perhaps you've discovered a handy tip? Share how you are using Brightspace in your teaching and learning in The Orange Room.