Xavier provides all faculty, staff, and students with a G Suite for Education (formerly Google Apps for Education) account, which includes Mail, Calendar, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Forms.
With the Google Apps integration into Brightspace, you can upload files from your Google Drive into Brightspace. Google Drive is a service for storing, syncing and sharing files.
Before you can take advantage of the Google Apps integration, you must authorize Brightspace to access your XULA Google account. The authorization will link your Google and Brightspace accounts so that you can upload files from your Google Drive into Brightspace.
Follow these steps to do it.
To enable Google Apps integration:
- Login to your Brightspace account.
- Scroll to the bottom of the main landing page (the "My Home" page) and locate the Google Apps widget.
- Click on the Link to your Google Apps account and follow the prompts.

To upload a file from your Google Drive into Brightspace:
- Click on the Upload/Create button and then choose the Upload Files option.
- From the Add a File window choose Google Drive and follow the prompts.

Want more information?
Getting Started with Google Apps
Google Apps integration
Add a Google document to Brightspace
Adding Google documents to Brightspace - Learners
View all the Brightspace training recaps
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Continuous Delivery release notes
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You can find Brightspace help at D2L's website.
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Try these Brightspace How-To documents.
Visit our Brightspace FAQs for additional Brightspace information
or schedule a one-on-one session, email, or
call Janice Florent: (504) 520-7418.