Instructors can use Replace Strings to personalize Brightspace. Replace strings allow instructors to customize course content and communications in Brightspace by incorporating the intended learner's personalized information, such as their first name, automatically.

Use Replace Strings to create a more personalized learning environment. For example, you can personalize a welcome message, announcement, and/or honor pledge by including the learner’s name.
Follow these steps to do it.
Enter the {FirstName} replace string variable (must be enclosed in curly bracket) in the HTML editor when you want to substitute the learners’s first name. Enter the {LastName} replace string variable when you want to substitute the learner's last name.
Example #1
In an announcement, enter:
Hi {FirstName}! Welcome to this...

Example #2
In module description, enter:
Welcome {FirstName}! Welcome to the study of...

Example #3
For an acknowledgement in an honor pledge, enter:
I, {FirstName} {LastName}, acknowledge that...

NOTE: Not all Replace Strings are available in all areas of Brightspace and Replace Strings do not work when sending email inside of Brightspace.
Want more information?
Using Replace Strings (pdf)
About Replace Strings
Teaching Tip - Use Replacement Strings for Personalization (video)
Getting Started with Release Conditions (pdf)
Customize Learning Paths Using Release Conditions (video)
Content - Attach a Release Condition (video)
Quizzes - Attach a Release Condition to a Quiz (video)
Best Practices for Setting Release Conditions
Customize Your Course Homepage
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call Janice Florent: (504) 520-7418.
Note: Are you doing something innovative in Brightspace or perhaps you've discovered a handy tip? Share how you are using Brightspace in your teaching and learning in The Orange Room.
I would like to change the layout of my Brightspace page. Do I do this first before dealing with strings? What exactly is a string? Is it the heading of a particular type unit or is it the relationship of information of that unit?
I have tried to change the layout using the Course Admin but it does seem to work. Feeling overwhelmed.