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A recent update to our Blackboard Assessments Building Block changed the functionality of the Show Test Results and Feedback to Students option. The "Score" option has been replaced with the "Score per Question" option. Choosing the "Score per Question" option will show each test question along with the points earned for the question.

Test Results and Feedback Screenshot

If you only want the students to see their overall test score after they submit their tests, then you must make sure the "Score per Question" box is unchecked. Otherwise students will be able to see all their test questions immediately after they submit the test.

Want more information?

Bb Learn 9.1 Test/Survey Enhancements Video [2:07]
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Visit the Blackboard FAQs for additional blackboard information
or schedule a one-on-one session, email, or
call Janice Florent: (504) 520-7418.

"Force Completion" is a setting available when selecting test availability options in Blackboard. The idea behind the "Force Completion" setting is to allow for a one-time entry into a test. However, using the "Force Completion" setting may have some unintended consequences. For example, if the student accidentally closes the browser, or loses the connection to the test, the student cannot continue with the exam unless the instructor intervenes and resets the exam (i.e., clears the attempt). For this reason, using the "Force Completion" setting is not recommended. Instead, use the timer AND enable the Auto-Submit test option.

Test Availability Screenshot

Using the timer/auto-submit options allows students to re-enter the exam and continue where they left off as long as there is time remaining. The timer will continue to record the time from when the student initially entered the exam. If there is no more time left the student will not be able to re-enter the exam. Likewise, if the student is able to re-enter the exam he/she will only have the remaining time to complete the exam.

The timer/auto-submit options accomplish the same goal as Force Completion, without students having to contact the instructor because they lost connectivity or abnormally exited the exam. This should lead to less student frustration with the exam and greatly reduce the number of calls to have the instructor clear test attempts.

Want more information?

Student Guide to Taking Tests in Blackboard
Explore Blackboard’s On Demand Learning Center.
Try these Blackboard How-To documents.
Visit the Blackboard FAQs for additional blackboard information
or schedule a one-on-one session, email, or
call Janice Florent: (504) 520-7418.

Focus Focus

CAT is looking for Xavier faculty to collaborate on a grant proposal to make a movie (or, potentially, some other media project) for a general audience addressing significant figures, events, or ideas and drawing its content from humanities scholarship.

The National Endowment for the Humanities is accepting proposals for Media Projects, due August 13.

Many subjects are possible, but projects that examine connections between the humanities and science and technology are especially encouraged. Projects that engage the power of the humanities to promote understanding of and respect for people with diverse histories, cultures, and perspectives (within the United States and abroad) are also encouraged. Collaborative and interdisciplinary approaches are especially appropriate.

More information on the Media Projects can be found on the NEH website.

Time is of the essence. If you are interested, please contact CAT's Media Artist, Bart Everson, as soon as possible.

CAT salutes this year’s recipients of the Norman C. Francis Faculty Excellence Awards. The university has produced a short video tribute to each faculty member.

Dr. Sara Al-Dahir from XULA CAT on Vimeo.

Dr. Lisa Schulte-Gipson from XULA CAT on Vimeo.

Dr. Maryam Foroozesh from XULA CAT on Vimeo.

Dr. Syreeta Tilghman from XULA CAT on Vimeo.

Dr. David Lanoue from XULA CAT on Vimeo.

Beyond Tourism Beyond Recovery

CONTACT: Rising Tide Programming Committee
WHO: Rising Tide NOLA
WHAT: 9th Annual Rising Tide New Media Conference
WHEN: Saturday, September 13, 2013, 10am – 3pm
WHERE: University Center, Xavier University of Louisiana, 1 Drexel Drive, NOLA, 70125


Rising Tide NOLA, Inc. will present its 9th annual new media conference centered on the recovery and future of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast on Saturday, September 13, 2013 at the University Center of Xavier University of Louisiana.

This year, Rising Tide invites participation from community and university organizations from across New Orleans by issuing this request for proposals for programming, panels, and presentations at the event. The conference is a one day event with programming presented in a variety of formats including ­ but not limited to ­ individual presentations, directed conversations, keynote addresses, and on­stage panel discussions. The space available allows for significant flexibility when it comes to programming proposals.

Successful proposals will address issues relevant to New Orleans and the Gulf South’s ongoing recovery, diverse history, unique culture, or emerging concerns. Additionally, proposals could focus on or incorporate aspects of new or social media, information technology and access, and creative uses of communication. Collaboration between organizations to present programming is encouraged to add multiple and diverse perspectives. While programming is free to address political topics, Rising Tide maintains a strict non­partisan forum, current elected officials and campaigning candidates for political offices are discouraged from participating in programming.


Proposals should include the following: a brief description of the topic being considered, with an indication of the relevance of the topic to local issues and what the audience should take away from the experience; a list of participants/presenters that describes their roles to the presentation and describes their relationship to or expertise on the topic; and a draft facilitation plan for how the programming will be presented to the audience, and how the audience will be involved in the presentation through questions, participation, discussion, etc.

Please email brief (2 page max) proposals in plain text, word documents, or PDF attachments to Jeffrey Bostick, Katy Monnot, and Patrick Armstrong at

PROPOSALS WILL BE ACCEPTED THROUGH JUNE 2, 2014. Acceptance notifications will follow within two weeks.


While hosting the event at the Xavier University Center, attendance has averaged more than 300 attendees, media, and volunteer staff annually. The conference content has been live streamed on the web with over 1000 unique viewers during each event, with archives on our website. For this conference, organizers are hoping to coordinate programming for three separate spaces: a large stage­oriented venue with seating for up to 200; a medium venue with seating for between 30 – 40; and a seminar or group discussion venue for seating around 20. Program length can run from a minimum of 30 minutes for presentations or directed conversations in the smaller venues, to hour and a half panel discussion for the stage­-oriented space.

Last year's conference featured a keynote address from Lt. General Russel Honore, U.S. Army (ret.), a discussion on Creating Community for Writers of Color by members of the Melanated Writer's Collective, as well as panel discussions on charter school accountability, tourism in the NOLA economy & recovery, a slate of programs on new media in Tech School, and an "unconference" for fashion and style bloggers. Past conference speakers have included author Lolis Eric Elie, Tulane historial Laurence Powell, Treme and The Wire creator David Simon, geographer Richard Campanella, journalist Mac McClelland, entertainer Harry Shearer, and authors David Zirin, John Barry, Christopher Cooper, and Robert Block. Schedules, list of previous panelists, and descriptions of programming history can be viewed on the Rising Tide website.

More information is available at the Rising Tide website; at the Rising Tide blog; on the Rising Tide Facebook page; and the organization can be followed on Twitter @RisingTide.

Rising Tide 9 is sponsored by The Center for the Advancement of Teaching at Xavier University.

Rising Tide NOLA, Inc. is a non­profit organization formed by New Orleans bloggers in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and the failure of the federally built levees. After the disaster, the internet became a vital connection among dispersed New Orleanians, former New Orleanians, and friends of the city and the Gulf Coast region. A number of new blogs were created, and combined with those that were already online, an online community with a shared interest in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast developed. In the summer of 2006, to mark the anniversary of the flood, the bloggers of New Orleans organized the first Rising Tide Conference, taking their shared interest in technology, the arts, the internet and social media and turning advocacy in the city into action.

Are you looking for new ways to engage more of your students? Do you want to provide more authentic learning opportunities for your students? Searching for some way to help students write concisely, critically examine arguments, or take notes? One strategy you might consider using is a “backchannel”

Dr. Michelle Rodems, program manager at the School of Interdisciplinary and Graduate Studies (SIGS) and at the Delphi Center for Teaching and Learning suggests using a “backchannel” to give your students a secondary way to communicate with you or each other.

Want to know more? Read Dr. Rodems' article on "Using a Backchannel to Engage Students."

Google Chrome offers a variety of extensions for taking notes on the web page you're browsing. After my own experiences (I still teach as an adjunct and taught online over 20 years before becoming the Distance Education Coordinator) and hearing stories from other educators, I am wondering if these online note taking services could help combat plagiarism.

Copying and pasting from online sources is so easy for students. Even if they go back and try to change a few words here and there, their work is usually flagged in such apps as Turnitin. If we make it easier for them to take notes on the materials, they would then have to write more of their own content for their papers and other assignments.

Here are 5 Chrome extensions, all with various features, that we can recommend to our students. They are Simple Notepad, Note anywhere, Mini Notepad, Note Board, and Chrome Notepad. Viveka Nagar reviewed these 5 features this past fall for I love free software.

Since it's not unusual for me to have sticky notes surrounding my computer screen and liberally posted across my desk and on walls, I tend to prefer the Note Anywhere add-on.  Here's a snapshot from their app store of what it may look like:

Note anywhere screen shot
Note anywhere screen shot

I invite you to experiment with some or all of these possibilities and let us know if you and your students find them useful.  Karen Nichols

Two new tabs were created inside Blackboard in an attempt to simplify access to faculty and student resources and to provide consistency for Blackboard users. You should see the new tabs when you login to Blackboard.

image showing Bb tabs with faculty and student resources highlighted

Send email to Karen Nichols with any comments or suggestions about the new tabs.

Want more information?

Explore Blackboard’s On Demand Learning Center.
Try these Blackboard How-To documents.
Visit the Blackboard FAQs for additional blackboard information
or schedule a one-on-one session, email, or
call Janice Florent: (504) 520-7418.

Course delivery is vulnerable to unplanned events. Potential interruptions to class activities include but are not limited to natural disasters, widespread illness, acts of violence, planned or unexpected construction-related closures, severe weather conditions, and medical emergencies. Whatever the event, an instructional continuity plan will help you to be ready to continue teaching with minimal interruption.

For those who missed last week's presentation and for those who want to learn more about instructional continuity you will find a link to the PowerPoint presentation above. Also, please visit our Instructional Continuity web page, where you will find planning guides, resources, and a recording of the workshop presentation.

Download Conversation #25

Noam Chomsky

Quite typically institutions almost of any kind try to enforce conformity, obedience and passivity. They don't try to encourage the kind of critical thought and action which will threaten the structure of power and domination...

A conversation with Noam Chomsky (MIT) on teaching, learning and critical thinking.

Links for this episode: