Download Conversation #9

A conversation with Dr. Mano Singham of Case Western Reserve University on teaching, learning, and the authoritarian syllabus.
That element of choice and trust between the teacher and the student I think are important aspects of creating a good learning environment, and I think the authoritarian syllabus tends to work against it. Authoritarian syllabuses can achieve certain things. You can get people to do things. But you can't get them to want to learn. That was my epiphany, if you like.
Links referenced in this episode:
- Death to the Syllabus! by Mano Singham in Liberal Education, Fall 2007
- "Moving away from the authoritarian classroom" by Mano Singham. Change, May/June 2005, pp. 51–57. [PDF courtesy of the author]
- "How my course syllabus is created" by Mano Singham. [PDF courtesy of the author]
- Mano Singham's Web Journal: Thoughts on science, history and philosophy of science, religion, politics, the media, education, learning, books, and films.
We're proud to announce this podcast is a finalist for a POD Network innovation award. We hope to see you at the conference.