Brightspace’s Completion Tracking feature allows instructors to monitor whether students have completed or visited/viewed a specific topic in the Content area. This feature can help instructors gauge how effective specific documents, videos, or other learning materials have been, as well as allow instructors to monitor whether students viewed important class materials before completing an assignment.
All content topics are set to automatically track for completion by default. Instructors can change the method of completion for a required activity to be either manual or automatic.
When Completion Tracking is set to automatic, the topic is marked complete when the user clicks on the topic to view it. For some activities, automatic tracking requires users to participate in a discussion, submit a file, or complete an assessment such as a quiz or survey before completion is successful.
When Completion Tracking is set to manual, users select the completion check box beside each content topic to indicate they have completed it. Although users can use manual tracking to indicate that they have accomplished a task before it is completed (for example, selecting the completion check box beside a quiz activity before attempting the quiz at all), this does not affect assessment scores or user attempts counted towards an activity.
Completion Tracking is helpful for students as well. The Completion Tracking progress indicators allow students to monitor their own progress in the course.
Follow these steps to do it.
To view the Completion Summary, you should:
- Get into the course where you want to see the Completion Summary.
- Click on the Content link in the NavBar.
- Click on the topic that you want to review the completion activity for.
- Click on the Completion Summary tab. A list of students in the course and information on their activity related to the topic will be displayed.
Want more information?
Track content completion (video)
Use completion tracking in content
About tracking content completion and participation
Check completion tracking for a content topic
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